Rabu, 02 November 2016


Team Enforcement Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA) believes strongly that the Bible is the Word of God and the only revelation of God's written, that cannot be wrong, it is very important to encourage Christians more serious study of the Word of God should be the highest authority and the basis for Christian faith and life healthy. Therefore, to understand His words correctly is a major requirement for every Christian so that we can grow flowers toward maturity in Christ.
 To achieve these objectives, the Christian needs and mutual dispenses life experiences that become buried in the lives of everyone who is called by God invidual even Team Enforcement Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA) in order to help Christians to apply on chronology better and more precise. Moreover, with the advancement of technology so fast, especially the use of computers has vastly expanded, then the chances of getting advanced facilities to investigate and study the Team Enforcement Truth Spiritual Meuwo tota Mana which is becoming increasingly open even not only studied the Bible alone, the experience of living in a spiritual can also be developed to help Christian service in various fields. This has encouraged the establishment of enforcement Team Spiritual truth Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA).

In 2007, Team Enforcement Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA) has a wonderful plan to form one Team Enforcement of Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA), however, one thing we know that nothing is impossible in the eyes of God , So we formed one team "enforcer Spiritual Truth Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA)" can form a successful well.
After all licenses and approvals even the sum of all components of the Christian community to do (2015) it was determined to formalize this Team name that is officially recognized by the government and the Christian community. then the people who will occupy the post of the first management is already prepared, so the team is ready to carry out their duties.

Terrible service is called out by the Holy Spirit to enforce their rights have a constitutional foundation and legal basis is very strong, especially after amendments to two of the Constitution of 1945. Article 18 B, paragraph 2 Amendment 1945 SECTION VI and Autonomy Act No. 22 years old. 1999 on Regional Government has asserted that: "The State recognizes and respects units customary law communities along with their traditional rights as long as they live, and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is regulated in the Law" Chapter XA governing human Rights article 28-I Section 3 further strengthens the position of indigenous spiritual by saying that: "Cultural Identity and Rights of indigenous Traditional respected in tune with the times by civilizations" are human rights that must be protected by the State. With the affirmation of this article, it became very clear that if a community of people claim to do something activity which is not contrary to the rules of government and church denominations, each community member of the body of Christ who fight for their rights to be protected. Article 28-C Paragraph 2 Amendment of the 1945 Constitution in Chapter XA governing human rights affirmed that: "Everyone has the right to advance himself in the fight for their rights collective to build their own society, the people and communities of society limbs Christ jointly fight for their rights in a container organization Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA) which in short, should be protected by the state for their rights as human rights. This assertion may be seen in Article 28-E paragraphs 2 and 3 of the 1945 amendment, which says that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of believing trust, express thoughts and attitudes, according conscience" and also "every person has the right to freedom of association, assembly, opinion and expression, in addition to the protected constitutional state, community rights and their enforcement efforts are also set in several international instruments, the first is the ILO (international Labor Organization) 169 1989 regarding indigenous peoples and indigenous peoples original and independent states of this convention is very important for community groups in Indonesia.

Technological developments in the computer field is very fast and its role in people's lives become increasingly widespread. Likewise in community life Christians should divide the conversion experience of each Christian.
 By looking at the above conditions, the Team "Enforcement of Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA)" in the ministry holds a vision as follows:
 Team "Enforcement of Truth Spiritual Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA)" is called to support the task of the great commission of Jesus Christ (John 3:33) according to the occupied areas of service that carry out tasks in the field of infrastructure provision calls for the use of computer technology and the Internet so that METOMA capable of being a catalyst between the Christian community as a testimony of personal conversion application in writing to be spread using computer technology (internet). So briefly it can be concluded that METOMA vision is to be a servant and a servant to the Body of Christ to do electronic services for the Christian community. ( "Electronic Servants" to Christ's Body).
Therefore, METOMA mission is determined to:
  1. provides software on personal transformation is best to help people learn about God's call to the Christian right.
  2. publications and discussion forums provide the best so many Christians who can understand the testimony.
  3. provide the best sources of information via the web with it that can be used optimally for the needs of the service.
  4. helping Christian organizations in order to optimize the uses of computer technology for the benefit of their services.
In conducting and implementing the vision and mission that God has given
Truth Enforcement Team Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA) did not want to work alone and eager team so that there should be hand in hand in the Christian community, including a wide variety of church denominations to be able to equip as many personal to together as the Body of Christ carry his call presented.

Specifically of interest is as follows:
  1. Provides software (software) Bible and biblical material adequate to study and investigate the Bible well and responsibly.
  2. Establish a network, club or association of Indonesian Christian computer users to synthesize existing human resources for the needs of the service in the required fields.
  3. Building a service infrastructure of electronic media for the Christian community in Indonesia.
Chairman            : Meyoka Keiya SH.Mc.
Secretary            : Solomon Yeimo S.Ip
Treasurer           : Matthew Rumaropen and Sekiles Wenda
Address               : PO Box # 98812 Nabire-Papua.Telp. (+ 62) 81248498888).
E-Mail                  : meuwototamanapapua@gmail.com
Web: http           ://meeuwototamana.blogspot.co.id/

Indeed, the Lord will rescue me from every evil attempt against me. He will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. Let He exalted forever! Amen. (2 Timothy 4: 8).
Spiritual Truth Fellowship Enforcement Team Meuwo Tota Mana (METOMA)
Post Office Box 98812 Nabire-Papua.Telp. (+ 62) -081 248 498 888)
E-Mail: meuwototamanapapua@gmail.com
Web: http://meeuwototamana.blogspot.co.id

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