Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017


How different Paul's presentation of the worship atmosphere should be with the reality of church worship today. What is the difference? What elements should be in worship? How would it impact if you and other congregations were involved in the worship as Paul expounded?
Worship in Paul's presentation shows the dynamics of the body of Christ. Everyone is involved, not just watching or receiving service. Why? Because everyone has something from the Spirit of God that he needs to share for the unity of the church. Everyone can use God to contribute to building the faith of the church. Whether officially official church officials such as preachers (prophets), praise or chorus guides, or non-official officials, may share the service function, various gifts of the Spirit, or share life experiences.
How to make this exposure a reality? The focus of worship is not human, but God. God is not like a passive offering but a God of sovereign and overwhelming grace controls the course of worship. So the dynamism of sharing ministry and life is a manifestation of the concentration of worship to God and His dynamics.

We worry that such worship will be chaotic. Realizing this, Paul reminds that in addition to freedom (1 Cor 14:17), the Spirit also produces order (1 Cor 14:33; 2 Tim. 1: 7). In the context of the Corinthian congregation, Paul gives guidance for the order to materialize. First, "all must be used to build up" (1 Cor 14: 26b). So it is not just any contribution, but it must be through the filter that it harms the purposes of God's Spirit for the church. That is why the gift of tongues should only be practiced when someone translates. Second, all must respect each other and hold back. This we know as the plot in the liturgy. One by one the understanding of the life of faith in grace rolling in a dynamic and beautifully arranged worship. Lastly, since God is the focus of worship, proclamation of the word becomes important in worship. Worship is the encounter and interaction of the disclosure of God's heart and the response of the congregation to Him!


Worship is directed to God, to glorify and please Him, not us. The more worship we please God, the more worship it will have a positive impact on the maturity and joy of life of the people. Good intent does not in itself guarantee that the way we worship will be true anyway. That is why worship also needs rules. The rule was not made to obstruct but to build righteous worship before God.

Orderly build each other. Meeting God is an unspeakable joy. Therefore, worship must be a joyous and spontaneous atmosphere. Yet God is also a holy and orderly God. Therefore, worship must be an atmosphere of order and respect. The rules that Paul gives are intended to build such an atmosphere. In worship there must always be ministry of various spiritual gifts by each congregation. But must take turns orderly.
Meditate: When giving priority to humanity, worship will always tend to be spontaneous disorderly or orderly without passion and involvement.

The Apostle Paul emphasized to the Corinthians to observe order in worship. Because at that time the Corinthian church was facing particular problems regarding the chaos in the congregation (1 Corinthians 14: 17-23). This time he more firmly arranged the worship associated with the use of spiritual gifts that are often mistaken among members of the congregation. They use spiritual gifts to please themselves and personal pride.

All the gifts of spirit and activity in the congregation must be used to build (1 Corinthians 14:26). A person filled with the Holy Spirit can control himself? not fun alone. He is more concerned with others, because that is the essence of love, so that the meeting of worship is not chaotic (1 Corinthians 14:40).

Paul organizes the technicalities of the use of gifts in worship. For the use of tongues, he arranges it so there is order in worship. The use of tongues is permissible in limited worship (two or three persons), and there must be people who get the gift of interpreting it. (1 Corinthians 14: 27-28). Also he governs the use of the gift of prophecy. For the sake of order of worship, prophecy must be communicated in turn, so that others can learn and grow in faith (1 Corinthians 14: 30-31).
Paul does not forbid anyone to possess and use the spiritual gift that is in them (1 Corinthians 14:39). What he does is organize it to be right for the purpose of building up the church. The purpose of the gifts of the Spirit is to build up the church. Therefore the use of gifts in worship meetings should take place regularly. The congregational meetings should be carried out in a polite and orderly manner and with good motivation and for shared spiritual satisfaction.

We can learn from what the apostle Paul puts it, that we should worship politely and regularly in the church. Whether it is with a written liturgy or not. To be sure our worship should be polite and orderly as a form of our reverence to God.


What is the purpose of holding rules in human life? Order, order, decency, and so on. It is clear that rules are in place to keep things orderly and orderly, not haphazard. But in reality we often encounter "miserable" events that occur because the existing rules are not enforced properly. For example, the representatives of the MPR and People's Parliament who were brutal during the trial (such as raw). From this example we can judge that the rules are held to be broken!

The friction occurring in the Corinthian congregation can not be hidden. Because the competition is expressed openly in a worship meeting of the congregation. All groups are anxious to stand out in a way that disparages and disrupts other groups. One group wants to dominate while the other group will not budge. Spiritually speaking people no longer care whether others understand or not (verse 27). Groups that have the gift of prophesying also can not resist. All want to have equal opportunity and time to convey God's will (verses 29-33). Coupled with the presence of a group of women - apparently in Greco-Roman society never got the role, attention and become a group that should always be silent. They also demanded an opportunity to perform at the congregation (verse 34.35).
A congregational meeting that should be centered on God, and should be present with a reverent attitude, has now turned into a human event to present itself. Not the welfare and blessings they receive but the painful hostile attitude.

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